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SWAT is an acronym in English for Special Weapons And Tactics (Special Weapons and Tactics).


In the United States, SWAT is the most common name for a police unit specialized in the departments of large cities. But SWAT - Special Weapons and Tactics - is a concept police based on the premise that a select group of highly trained and well disciplined, trained by police volunteers. They are specially equipped and trained to be able to reduce the risk associated with an emergency situation. This could include coordinated attacks on specific targets such as heavily armed criminals indoors, arrest warrants in high-risk operations and hostage located and deactivation of explosive devices, as well as activities such as VIP escort and combat the "enemy within" ( terrorists infiltrated American soil). The SWAT police are equipped with different weaponry of the patrol, including submachine guns, rifles, tear gas and grenades, and rifles for snipers.




The First SWAT's Unit

The first SWAT unit was created after three incidents in the 70's in Los Angeles (Watts Riots,Surrey Street Shootings and Charles Whitman incident), some officials of the Los Angeles Police Department found it necessary to create a team specializes in serving non-conventional situations. Then, in 1967, a young police officer named John Nelson, presented a bold project to Inspector Daryl F. Gates (who, years later, he was the head of the LAPD). This idea was to create a different team, composed of officers who possuísem military training and field experience. This group, initially formed by fifteen teams of four men, work in system and warned they would be given specific weapons, not used by patrolmen common. Then, on top of this idea emerged in the late 70's, the famous SWAT, listed as "D Platoon" of the LAPD

Fonte: Wikipédia.